Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Waiting to Recharge

Start of a brand new week (though I am abit late, sorry) so once again its time to check what is incoming and coming up while waiting to recharge... wait a sec... OK plugged in my DS Lite and GBA SP so now we are truly waiting to recharge.

Ins and Outs
Since I couldn't finish either if my very exsistence depended on it, I threw Aliens vs Predator (Game Boy) and Aliens Thanatos Encounter (Game Boy Color) up for trade over at gametz. Hopefully whoever gets these fare better than me playing these.

Otherwise nothing up either way. Walkthrough wise I am going to be playing through abit of Final Fantasy Legend III in coming episodes.

Nothing really happening here trade wise. Going through the walkthrough of Shaman King right now on the podcast.

The trade for LEGO Indiana Jones The Original Adventures should be wrapping up this week, so the walkthrough begins shortly, as we continue with Pokemon Heartgold at the same time.

Just did a Demo Time! with Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate here, and talk about it in an episode of Pocket Gamer that is going up shortly. Stay tuned.

In the meantime going over more Demo content soon, so stay tuned.

Since the Wii is hardly a handheld I am presently working on a cast specifically for the Wii. It is just getting started development wise so stay tuned for updates.

Since the topic of Monster Hunter has come up again, what with Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate and all, I will be digging into the PSP and walking you through Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, one hour at a time.

Slowly but surely I am working to get the reviewing aspect of things up and running. Starting off with Micro Reviews and working upwards from there.

I have a few reviews in mind and working to get them down and out ASAP.

Help Wanted?
Think I posted this past weekend about trying my hand at submitting for a reviewing job over at RPGamer. Not sure if I got the chops to make the cut, but we will see. Update shortly no doubt, stay tuned.

Game cast recommendations?
Good question! I can recommend quite a few comic casts, and a few of my favorite animation and pony related casts... but I am abit low on gaming casts. In fact the only one I am presently listening to is the RPG cast from RPGamer... so I am looking for recommendations on this front. If you are listening to any good gaming casts please post in the comments and tell us all about it.

Well that was a pretty busy update! Well now, time for me to get back at it! See you next time!

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